School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00 p.m.

January 17, 2013 - Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order (7:00 p.m.)
1. Attendance

Minutes: Present:  Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Johnna McKinnon, District 4; Lisa Graham, District 5; and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.

Consent Agenda

2. Minutes of Regular Meeting on December 18, 2012
Attachment: Minutes 2012 Dec 18.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

3. Proposed Allocation Changes for 2012-2013
Attachment: Allocation Summary - Backup January 17, 2013.pdf
4. 2013-2014 Summer Calendars
Attachment: ESE Extended School Year Calendar 2013.pdf
Attachment: Summer Calendar 2013 High School-Junior High and Grade 6.pdf
Attachment: Voluntary Pre-K Summer Calendar 2013.pdf
Attachment: Summer Reading Camp Calender 2013.pdf
Human Resources

5. Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 01-17-13.pdf
6. Revision to Section I, Table I, Title of Position for Administrative/Management and Supervisory Personnel (2012-2013 Salary Schedule)
Attachment: Revisions - ADMIN TABLE I 01-17-13.pdf

7. Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update
Attachment: BLC placements.pdf
8. Interagency Service Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center regarding Substance Abuse Prevention Education
Attachment: CBHC Health Educator.pdf
9. Student Travel
Attachment: January 2013 - Student Travel.pdf
10. Out of State Travel for Donna Wethington and Tina Baker
Business Affairs

11. Monthly Property Report - December, 2012 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-December, 12.pdf
12. Monthly Property Report - December, 2012 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-December, 12.pdf
13. Monthly Property Report - December, 2012 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-December, 12.pdf
14. Monthly Property Report - December, 2012 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-December, 12.pdf
15. Deletion of Certain Items Report - January, 2013
Attachment: Deletion Report-January, 13.pdf
16. Bid Renewal January 2013
17. Write Off Non-Sufficient Funds Checks at Schools
18. Warrants and Vouchers for December 2012
Attachment: Warrants & Vouchers, December, 2012.pdf
19. Budget Amendments for the Month of December 2012
Attachment: AGENDA-_impact stmt_.pdf
Attachment: December Budget Amends.pdf
Support Services

20. Clay High School Roof Replacement Building 8 Contract Award
Attachment: CHS Roof Replacement Building 8 Final Bid Tab.pdf
21. Orange Park High School Lighting Replacement Parking Lot Contract Award
Attachment: OPHS Lighting Replacement Parking Lot Final Bid Tab.pdf
22. Fourth Amendment of Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Clay County; a political subdivision of the State of Florida; and Eagle Harbor at Fleming Island Joint Venture
Attachment: Interlocal Agrmnt 4th Amend Eagle Harbor 1,8,13.pdf
23. Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Ridgeview High School Cafeteria Expansion Phase II
Attachment: CO 1DP RHS Cafeteria Exp II.pdf
24. Green Cove Springs Junior High School Roof Replacement Buildings 1 & 3 Contract Award
Attachment: GCSJH Roof Replacement Bid Tab.pdf
25. IS Roof Replacement Building 2 Contract Award
Attachment: IS Roof Replacement Bid Tab.pdf
26. Ridgeview High School Fire Alarm Replacement Contract Award
Attachment: RHS Fire Alarm Bid Tab.pdf
27. Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 1,17,13.pdf
28. Additive Change Order #10 (Direct Purchasing) for Orange Park High School Renovate/Remodel West Campus
Attachment: CO 10 OPHS Renovate.Remodel West Campus.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
29. Adoption of Consent Agenda

Approve the Consent Agenda as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Lisa Graham
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Recognitions and Awards
30. Volunteers of the Year - Superintendent Van Zant


Superintendent Van Zant recognized the following outstanding school volunteers and presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their time and service to the students of the school district.

Youth Winner - Haley Geeser, Orange Park High School

Adult Winner - Catherine Wardlaw, Middleburg Elementary School

Senior Winner - Don Hall, Orange Park High School

Scheduled Citizen Requests (There were none)
31. Project PASS Year-end Overview - Donna Wethington, Tina Baker and Kathleen Schofield

Minutes: The Clay County School District was awarded this Department of Defense Educational Activity grant in November 2011.  Mrs. Wethington introduced key staff and explained briefly what the PASS project (Promoting Academic and Social Success in a Mobile Society) is about.  The project focuses on K-12 Academic Programs while offering support to ease the challenges that military dependent students face due to transitions and deployments.  

Discussion Agenda
Human Resources

32. Human Resources - Special Actions

Minutes: There were none.

33. Charter School Review Committee Recommendation of the Orange Park Performing Arts Academy Application
Attachment: Charter School Summary Statements January, 2013 OPPAA.pdf
Attachment: Charter School Evaluation Instrument January, 2013 OPPAA.pdf

The following individuals spoke in favor of the Charter School Application:  

1) Charles Devers;  2) Dr. Alesia Ford-Burse;  3) David Wilcox;  4) Winston Burse;  5) LaShanda Mack;  6) Destani Higgins;  7) Doris Graham;  8) Cassandra Coaxum;  9) Larry Phillips;  10) Meshell Harris;  11) Gwendolyn Johnson;  and 12) Dr.Tony Bruzeella 

Steve Richards spoke against approving the Charter School Application.

Following the public input, discussion ensued among the Board and staff.  The majoirty of the Board felt the overall application was lacking and insufficient for approval.  Dr. Burse was allowed to come back to the podium and continue her appeal; however, Mrs. Studdard reiterated that this was not a subjective process and there was no provisional approval. Superintendent Van Zant reconfirmed the Charter School Review Committee's recommendation and recommended the School Board deny the application.


Charter School Review Committee Recommendation of the Orange Park Performing Arts Academy Application as submitted for Superintendent's recommendation to Deny.

Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Johnna McKinnon
Tina Bullock- Nay
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Business Affairs

34. Monthly Financial Report for December, 2012
Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FIN-Sum Cash-Dec, 2012.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FIN Dec, 2012-GREV.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FIN Dec,2012-GREXP.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 4 MONTHLY FIN Dec 2012-DSREVEXP.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 7 MONTHLY FIN Dec, 2012-FOOD SERVICE.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 8 MONTHLY FIN Dec, 2012-SPREV42X.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN Dec, 2012- ARRA-SPREV43X.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects Dec, 2012.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project Dec 2012.pdf
Attachment: 01-17-2013 Handout.pdf

Dr. Copeland reported on the General Fund.  The third calculation, which reflects the October count, shows a reduction of 861.56 students.  This equates to a decrease of approximately $3.5 million in the General Fund.  Mrs. Adams explained some concerns in the reporting and  translation of data to DOE with could reconcile approximately 150 in unweighted FTE, and also some concerns with the reporting of students at Clay Virtual Academy who were not reflected in the FTE count at all.  Mrs. Adams will continue to work with DOE to reconcile this report data. 

Dr. Copeland reported that the school district could experience a shortfall in the fourth calculation. 

Approval of the monthly financial report for December, 2012, as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Lisa Graham
Tina Bullock- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

35. Review Capital Outlay Fund (Fund 300)
Attachment: Fund 300 20130109074425508.pdf
Attachment: 01-17-2013 Handout.pdf
Minutes: Dr. Copeland reviewed the Capital Project Fund 300.  Capital projects funds are used to account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditures for capital outlays, including the acquisition or construction of capital facilities and other capital assets.  This fund accounts for financial resources to be used for Educational Capital Outlay needs, projects with a life of more than one year, such as new construction and renovation and remodeling projects.

Presentations from the Audience
36. Anthony DiPaul

Minutes: Mr. DiPaul spoke concerning Ridgeview High Wrestling.
37. Kelly Robertson

Minutes: Mrs. Robertson spoke concerning Ridgeview High Wrestling.
38. Steve Richards

Minutes: Mr. Richards spoke concerning problems facing public education.
39. Larry Cosler

Minutes: Mr. Cosler spoke concerning electrical costs at schools on Brannenfield Road.
40. Liz Crane

Minutes: Ms. Crane spoke concerning High Stakes Testing.
41. Stanley Pfenning

Minutes: Mr. Pfenning spoke about comments made at last month's meeting.
42. Sylvia Croft

Minutes: Mrs. Croft spoke about deadlines and posting of the school board agenda.

Superintendent Requests

Minutes: Mr. Van Zant reported that his first 60 days in office were both exciting and productive.  He has an appointment scheduled with the Commissioner of Education in Tallahassee next week to discuss issues important to Clay County.

School Board's Requests


Mrs. McKinnon attended her first Spelling Bee as a new school board member and praised all of the students who participated.  She is looking forward to future events.

Mrs. Kerekes commended Volunteers of the Year for their service to Clay County schools.

Mrs. Bullock expressed appreciation for the care and concern shown to her during her recent accident.  She also noted she was privileged to serve on the School Related Employee of the Year Committee.

Mrs. Graham attended the recent Robotics competition and was amazed at the mind-boggling projects.  She hopes to see this program continued on to the junior high.

Mrs. Studdard thanked Mrs. Kerekes for filling in for her on the Teacher of the Year Committee and thanked everyone for their prayers for her mom who has been ill.

Attorney's Requests (There were none)
Adjournment (9:25 p.m.)

